Monday, November 25, 2019

Being Thankful

Gratitude, appreciation, being thankful.  These words are an essential trait for any person who intends to thrive.  Not only giving thanks to others and appreciating what one has, but receiving thanks as well.

In the U.S. we have a new habit of thanking our military service members.  It’s a beautiful sentiment.  For many, I believe hearing “thank you” is a thoughtful gesture, though it may not have as much weight as those who are saying thank you, are led to believe.  I could be wrong, though many people are not inclined to be receptive to receiving a “thank you”.

Years ago, a friend of mine and co-worker had a car that was on its last legs.  She drove a simple car and her in-laws desired to give her one of their cars as they wanted to purchase a new one for themselves. We talked about it.  Her in-laws were financially comfortable and my friend didn’t want to take what she thought of as charity.  I was led to believe her in-laws were giving her an expensive used car.  So when I asked what kind of car they were going to give her, she responded, “a PT Cruiser”.  I told her, “Great!  You shouldn’t be driving your car any more.  Take their car and say thank you.”  Within the week, she showed me her new-used car and she was very grateful to have it.

I’m thankful that I was able to assist my friend with being grateful for something she needed.  I was grateful to use this simple act of thankfulness after reading a new book about gratitude.  We are grateful for what we have— our homes, food, clothing, family, friendship, etc.  Yet don’t forget to receive thanks too, and hopefully be grateful for it.

M. MacNeith

Monday, November 18, 2019

Holiday Season

The Holiday Season is upon is in many countries.  In the U.S. the celebration of Thanksgiving will arrive a week from this Thursday, honoring the bounty of the harvest for sustenances during the dark days of winter.  We typically gather with family and friends and being thankful for the food we have to eat, the sweetness of loving companionship, and the wellness we have-at any level to persevere.

We honor the Holiday Season with festivities like Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, light festivals in Asia and the Al Dhafra Festival in Abu Dhabi observing the heritage of the Bedouin lifestyle.  With so many amazing cultures around the world, it’s a beautiful thing to have so many amazing celebrations to honor those cultures.  

When we Shift our lives towards a place of respect for ourselves and others, we honor our cultures, our histories and our celebrations.  Let us honor the uniqueness we all share with the variety of festivals for our Autumn and Winter Holiday Season.

~ M. MacNeith

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Veterans Day

My dad, circa 1942

Yesterday was Veterans Day in the United States.  It’s a pleasure to know that after 100 years, we are still honoring our women and men who served and serve in our U.S. military in so many capacities here at home and all over the world.  My ancestors served in The Great War, among them was my great-uncle Tobias Ammon, who was killed in action on September 9, 1918.  My father, above in the photo, served in World War II in the Army Air Corps.  These groups of men and women were proud to serve, yet did not show heir pride on their sleeve.  I did not know until after dad passed away in 2008, that not only did he serve in Iceland during the war, he was there for over 90 days, making him a member of The Forgotten Bastards of Iceland.   

A friend of mine was also in the Air Force- Special Forces in Vietnam.  He’s one of the most interesting persons I know.  He’s like the Engergizer Bunny, he just keeps going, keeps serving his country in many ways.  He was “honored” with two Purple Hearts in Vietnam.  An award most soldiers, airmen, marines and seamen truly wouldn’t really want to have, I’m sure.

Then there’s my husband, a 30 year veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard.  He wanted to be in tor 40 years, and felt as if his Coastie “family” he had been with was kicking him out, just like when he was young.  And even though he was apart of a historic rescue, the attitude he has for his service is much like that of my father and other WWII vets, it was his job.  The USCG was his security and his family.  I believe he appreciated his time, and now he continues to serve in another government capacity.

Family is important, not just for the veteran, but for those family members of the veteran.  Nowadays, we are used to saying “Thank you for your service” to vets, and we are now paying that to veteran families as a whole.

The military is a volunteer service, though the service and what comes from it lasts a lifetime and beyond.  We must continue to appreciate and honor them, always.

M. MacNeith

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Autumn in November

     The season of Fall or Autumn commences at the end of September as it can still be very warm when the heat begins to decay the foliage in our neighborhoods.  The leafy bushes and trees begin to turn from their lovely shades of green into brilliant hues of yellow, orange, red, mahogany and bronze.  The trend continues into October depending on your location, yet in the early mornings, you can feel the hints of chilly air surrounding you outside your home.  

     It’s now a few days into November, and the air is getting more damp mixing with the warmth of the earth.  Fog sets in and reminds us of quieter times as the sun hides for longer hours.  We put on warmer layers of clothing, and snuggle with our loved ones—even in our dreams.  

     I love Autumn.   This season is a beautiful reminder that life is given, it blossoms and thrives in many ways and then it is released back to where it came from.  And from this release and decay comes new life that sprouts even in the coldest environments.  The will to flow with life is balanced with love and immense challenges.  Thank you Autumn for teaching us about life. 

M. MacNeith

Wise with Time

Time has flown by quite quickly this past year.  Have you ever experienced time, either speeding up or slowing down?  When we experience joy...