Monday, January 27, 2020

Big Little Goals

Almost everyday, I write down a “To Do List”, and most of the time, those “To Do’s” get pushed back more than once, due to my lack of being clear of what it is I really need to accomplish.  I have big everyday goals that include helping to teach my kiddo their school lessons and making sure I have the ingredients I need to make dinner.  An additional “To Do” item has been very clear to me these past few months when we acquired a lovely puppy—she needs to go out and relieve herself and she needs a good walk at least once a day.  So my everyday, very clear goal is to make sure I take her outside and for a walk, which might be annoying, yet has the huge health benefit of fresh outside air and exercise.  

After reading an article by Steven Kotler, the Executive Director at the Flow Research Collective, he talks about goals that are big lifetime achievements and how to get to those results.  We need goals that are clear and give us the specific focus we need to accomplish them.  This makes allot of sense to me, because when I finally wrote the first draft of my current screenplay, that’s how I was able to write it within a month, by focusing and creating specific little clear goals of organizing my story, and then the words fell to the page easily.  

I did this again last week, which is why I missed writing my blog because I was very focused about specific little goals as my child was wrapping up their first semester lessons.  We took each lesson with clarity, and accomplished a lot in a small amount of time.  

My current challenge with personal goal setting, or small clear goals from Kotler, is that I put so much on my “To Do List”, that I always struggle to accomplish my smaller clear goals to help reach my big dream goal of producing my stories.  I still need to practice not wasting these precious moments of time on things that aren’t related to either my home, or my clear little and big goals.  Having goals is great, the challenge is focusing on how to attain them.  I’m going to challenge myself to get my dreams to come true, how about you?

Monday, January 6, 2020

Shift Your Life Now

Was 2019 a harsh year for you?  It was certainly challenging for me.  It started off with the U.S. government shutting down, chaos at the southern border, upheavals around the globe, the U.S. Executive Branch believing they can do no wrong, armageddon-like fires in southeast Australia.  Between nature made and man made disasters around the world, it’s time for the globe to shift for the positive.  It’s time for us to shift our lives now.

I’ve been struggling to shift my life for a while.  I’ve put a lot on “my plate” over the past few years, and I tend to put others in my life before myself.  I must be careful and acknowledge that my plans and goals are important too.  I’ve had big dreams for a long time, and if I don’t start acting upon them, then those dreams will fade.  I can’t let that happen.  I must act now.  I must shift my life now, and see my goals come to fruition. 

Shifting your life can be big or little steps.  Little steps may lead to longer and bigger goals.  As I plan for my long term goals to be fulfilled, I will require small deliberate steps.  I’m shifting my life to improve my writing on many levels of the craft, as well as education in wellness and entrepreneurship.  I’ve always desired my own business.  I had one for a while making specially handcrafted shoes.  It was a big shift I took to do that, and now I’m shifting again.  If I can’t help myself, I cannot truly help others.  It’s time to shift your life now, and may your 2020 be all the best it can be.

M. MacNeith

Wise with Time

Time has flown by quite quickly this past year.  Have you ever experienced time, either speeding up or slowing down?  When we experience joy...